121 World News

ExchangeFive years ago, God put a vision in the heart of Joel Engle. He called Joel to plant a church. However, sometimes God takes us on a journey to prepare us for His call.

As a successful Christian musician, Joel wondered if God might have made a mistake. Yet, God truly placed a deep burden in his and his wife Valerie's heart to plant a dynamic, Bible-based church that was focused on reaching the unchurched.

Much of this vision began in 2001 when Joel met Ross Sawyers, the pastor of 121 Community Church in Grapevine. Joel said of their first meeting, “When I first met Ross I would have never guessed he was a pastor. He wore a baseball cap and didn't say ‘brother' or ‘amen.' He was real and was very passionate about Jesus Christ. We hit it off immediately.”

Soon after that The Engles joined 121 Community Church and became active in the music ministry and leading the singles  ministry. At the same time, God was expanding their view of what “church” should look like.

"I thought that church was going to a building on Sunday morning and hearing good Bible teaching. I soon discovered that church was much more than that. Church is not an organization but a living organism filled with the life of Christ. We are called as Christians to be an active part in the community of the church body, sharing life together, praying for each other and challenging each other to depend on God in every area of our lives,” says Joel.

ExchangeThrough watching God work at 121, the Engles began to get a vision to plant a “121” type church in Keller, Texas. Joel comments, “Keller is one of the fastest growing areas in the U.S. The population boom in North Tarrant County is amazing and there are many families and individuals who are not being reached with the gospel.”

As this  vision began to grow in Joel's heart, God crossed his path with Dustin Walker one night.

“I met Dustin and Lori at this church planting banquet. I thought it was going to be really boring, but God had other plans. Afterwards, we talked and it seemed that God was putting a plan together.”

Soon after that, Joel called his long-time friend Ben Carr and told him about what God was doing in his life. Ben got a little upset. “Joel, is there a reason why you haven't asked me to be a part of this church plant?” Joel quickly replied, “Ben, if you and
Carolyn are open to do this, then so am I! Let's start praying.”

That is how the vision of The Exchange was born. God has placed a deep burden in the hearts of this team to see Keller and North Texas impacted for Christ. They believe that many people will come to know Christ and become disciple-makers through God's plan for The Exchange.

With great passion Joel states, “Church can't change anybody's life, but the person of Jesus Christ can.” This is the heart of The Exchange, to exchange our life for Christ's.

The Exchange Launch Team will begin meeting in late March and the official church launch date is set for September 14th, God willing. Updates and more information can be found at www.theexchangedfw.com.

::Valerie Engle

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