121 World News

IndiaGod is working in the hearts and lives of the people of India. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the 15 million people in the city limits of Delhi, or the many places of worship that are built and used to worship gods made by men. It doesn't take long to see that the people in India are desperate to find meaning and peace in their lives. But, sadly, few have been introduced to the ONLY God who can bring true meaning and peace to life! This was never more evident than when our team of 8 people from 121 recently went to prayer walk around a mosque that could hold 25,000 people for a prayer time to their god. At that mosque, there was a tower that allows people to look out over all of Delhi with its countless buildings. It doesn't take long to realize that among these countless buildings, very few of the people inside had ever heard of Christ and even fewer were followers of Christ. The task is huge. But, thankfully, our God is even bigger.

Our team got to see and experience many different ways the Lord was using Indian believers to be a light in their dark land. These believers are solid in their faith and are willing to share the good news of the gospel no matter the cost. Sometimes the cost is great! But, they carry on making Christ known around their land. Our team got to see first-hand some of the ways He is using these ministries to make his name known:

1) Training Facility:

Just a short (and bumpy) ride out of Delhi, we were encouraged by the faithful church planters who are on the front lines taking the gospel back to their villages and homes. There are now over 900 churches that have begun through this ministry. We also Indiagot to see the completion of the construction of the training facility. Funding from 121 members during the Faith Forward campaign aided in the ability to complete this facility that will equip and train these planters to spread the gospel.

2) COI

Cooperative Outreach of India (COI) is daily showing and sharing the love of Christ by meeting the physical needs of people in the slums in and around Delhi by providing them schooling and other teaching skills that will help them to find jobs. But, in doing this, they are quick to share the Indiagospel with them and tell them about the love of Jesus. We also got to see the opening of a computer training facility that was started by COI to teach practical skills that would help people to find employment. This ministry is run by Ramesh and Gloria Landge, the parents of Reuben Landge. It was such an incredible encouragement to us to be able to see their boldness and heart for sharing the gospel.

3) Campus Ministry

We were able to spend some time with another couple from 121 that are beginning their ministry on the university campuses. Our team had the opportunity to prayer walk through these campuses and strike up conversations with students, many of whom were open to hearing about Jesus and had never heard the gospel. We are eager to see how the Lord is going to use this ministry moving forward.

When going to India, it's easy to see the ways our two cultures are extremely different. But, our God is the same in America as He is a half a world away in India. He dearly loves and died for the precious people of India and our team was humbled and privileged to play a small part in His global plan.

::Dustin Sanders

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