121 World News



Young Life EuropeSometimes missionaries take God's Word to new lands.  Sometimes God's call is to bring the Gospel back to areas where it seems all but forgotten. Amanda and Keith Thode are humbled to help win Europe back for Christ through reaching their youth with Young Life - Europe .   

The Thodes have been actively serving at 121 Community Church since early 2001, and have been on the board for Young Life – Europe since 2002.

Many of you may be familiar with Young Life and the work they do with teenagers around the world, particularly in the United States . The mission of Young Life is to bring the good news of Jesus Christ into the lives of adolescents all over the world. The philosophy of Young Life is to reach kids where they're at, developing caring and sincere relationships with no strings attached. Often these relationships between teens and adults will last a lifetime!  Kids today are faced with incredible temptation.  On top of that, Kids in Europe grow up in a highly postmodern culture where they are taught churches are those museums in our town where people used to go when they believed in God.  What was once Christianity's cradle, Europe , is now experiencing a negative growth rate in people coming to faith in Christ.  

Young Life - EuropeYoung Life, through its relational approach, offers an environment where kids feel cared for and listened to. Often, it's through the mission of Young Life that many teenagers discover their first sincere relationship with a caring adult. As teenagers move through the most challenging times of their lives, the thousands of Young Life leaders and staff walk alongside their young friends to help them through this journey called “life”. In Europe , all Young Life staff are associated with a local church body. In some cases Young Life IS the church's youth program.  In other cases, large service projects inject energy into a local community through a combination of community construction improvements, English as a Second Language classes and Vacation Bible Sschool.  Sometimes, as during the Thode's visit to Usti in the Czech Republic , the service project helps galvanize a fledgling church effort in the community.  

One of the goals of International Young Life is to raise up national staff to be the next generation of leaders bringing their own people to Christ.  It has been very exciting to see this happen across Europe with six national staff people and many other national volunteers.

Amanda and Keith are passionate about Young Life and believe this relational approach, focusing on the youth, is a vital part of God's plan to support those European believers working to share Christ's Love. “Europe, particularly Western Europe , is the cultural catalyst for the world.  From Fashion to Philosophy, Europe plays a leading role in shaping the worldviews of people around the globe, including right here in the U.S.   In this way, winning kids for Christ in Europe can impact the eternity of people around the world,” says Keith.

Young Life - EuropeAmanda has been a dedicated member of the board's core leadership team for several years, applying her operational and organizational skills to the team's efforts. God has recently called the Thodes to expand their commitment to Young Life Europe.  Amanda is leaving a rewarding career in technology program management at Accenture to join the staff, managing operations, liaising with the Young Life headquarters and performing fundraising for the ministry.  (Un?)fortunately, the new role will not require the Thodes to move to Europe .

With 43 staff and numerous volunteers in 10 countries and more on the horizon, Young Life is impacting young people all over Continental Europe.  From providing a Christ-centered community of friends and mentors in countries like Germany , France and the Netherlands to planning big events and giving needed aid and support to some of Europe 's poorest residents, Young Life Europe is changing young lives on a personal level, all over the continent.

The Thodes are thankful to their LifeGroup members and others at 121 who help with the ministry.   If you are interested in praying for Young Life Europe, getting involved in the ministry, or hosting a high school exchange student, please contact Keith or Amanda at amanda.thode@gmail.com.

::Keith and Amanda Thode

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