121 World News

EgyptRecently, 121 CC had a presence in mission efforts in Cairo through the actions of Rodney, Ross and others, who traveled across the globe to assist at a cluster retreat of the missionaries in Cairo, which took place in Alexandria, Egypt.

The current situation in Cairo is really anything but pleasant. There are around 20 million people inside the city, with 90% being Muslim, and the remaining 10% being Coptic Christian. However, that 10% of Coptic people are made up of mainly people who were raised in the traditions but don’t understand the Good News of Jesus Christ and hope that he brings. So what is the reality there? We see an area with close to 20 million people without hope, who live in an oppressive culture that is filled with darkness. In this environment, one can’t even begin to imagine the kind of struggles Egyptoccurring for the missionaries who have been called to Egypt as they strive to bring people to Christ. Even what would normally be simple daily tasks in the United States, would be major events for those serving in Egypt. While in Egypt, Ross was told that, “a gnat back home, would be a buffalo over here.” That really helps to put into perspective what the missionaries face in their daily lives. The missionaries start out by setting up a job platform. They choose a job and then enter the country on that preface and from there begin to “network” and reach out to people for the purpose of converting Muslims and Coptics, and leading them to a relationship with Christ. The converts are then guided to begin building strong foundations, with the hope they will then begin leading people to Christ within their own culture.

EgyptPerforming this type of work within this type of environment can be extremely taxing for the missionaries. It is important that they have some opportunities for refreshment, fellowship, and then strategize with other missionaries in the area. This was offered to them through the cluster retreat, where 30 men and women came to together in Alexandria. Ross Sawyers’ role throughout the 5-day retreat was to lead teaching through devotionals. He spent this time in expository teaching by walking through EgyptJohn 1 with the missionaries. Rodney Howell also attended the retreat and worked with the missionaries on strategies of partnership. He walked them through opportunities they have and can seek out with their home churches in the U.S. and assist each other in mission efforts through mutual support and staying connected. Barrett Sawyers also had the opportunity to serve at the retreat by assisting with a Vacation Bible Study offered for the missionaries’ children who attend the retreat. Ross said, “it was a gift to see Barrett serve and love” as his son was exposed to mission. In addition to the strategy sessions and devotional teachings, there was plenty of opportunity for fellowship. They would all hang out and enjoy each other’s company. All the 121 servers who attended the retreat were no doubt a major source of support and refreshment for the missionaries. All returned with a greater understanding of mission work in Muslim nations, and in amazement at the commitment of the missionaries serving in those countries.

If you want to learn more, or have an interest in serving the mission efforts through 121, you can contact Rodney Howell at rodney.howell@121cc.com.

Father, I pray that the missionaries find Your strength in them, and are not frustrated as they strive to live out Your will. I also pray that anyone with a heartbeat for the Muslim nations would step out and start serving in Your name.

::John Fielder

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