121 World News



UzbekistanLast September our LifeGroup began a new adventure, in which we were both excited and nervous – “adopting” a UTA student from Uzbekistan. Our hearts have been forever softened toward both our new friend and the Uzbek people. Saodat Khaitova came to Arlington to work on a masters degree in Communications as part of having been awarded as a “fellow” from the Senator Edmund Muskie Fellowship program. She brought her daughter, Leyla, and her mother, Muhabbat, with her to experience life in the States. They are of Muslim background, although not active in the practices of their state religion. Our time with Saodat has been enlightening and genuine. We have been just as curious about her culture and ways as she has been about ours.

UTAWe have watched God surround this family with devoted Christians – not just her girlfriends from 121, but a Christian next-door neighbor from South Africa, a Christian study partner from Romania, a Christian school teacher for Leyla (5th grade). In addition, Mission Arlington has become “Mama Muhabbat's” second home as she faithfully volunteers daily with Tilly! Seeds have been planted for nine months, which we and the other Christians in their lives have faithfully watered, and are trusting God to bring to fruition one glorious day!

All three of our Uzbek friends are very curious by nature, which has opened the door to many conversations about the Christian faith. We have had parties, dinners, outings, etc. during which we have shared the Gospel and explained God's love. Saodat and her family attended church on April 29th , after which Saodat conversed with Ross about his message. She was obviously Uzbekistantouched by the “generous giving” idea, although she didn't completely understand it. When Ross handed her the broken bow he had used as an illustration in his message (to demonstrate how the Native Americans signified peace with another party), he asked her if she remembered what the broken bow meant. She quickly said “PEACE!” and he told her to keep it as a symbol when she left America. We all went out to lunch afterwards, and she held that broken bow in her lap the entire time.

At this writing, we have two more opportunities to see Saodat and share the love of Jesus with her, Leyla and “Mama.” We will have a going-away party as a LifeGroup, and then we will take them to the Ft. Worth zoo before they leave. We have pledged to stay in touch with this precious family, and we have committed to each other that we will indeed do that. It would be very easy to let the relationship dwindle… but God put Saodat and her family in our lives purposefully, and we must not “forget” them.

Saodat asked us for a favor recently. She said that her experience in Texas had been positive from the beginning because we were “there for her.” We helped her with material needs, but more importantly, we were available for encouragement and for help in puzzling situations. Her request was this: “Will you adopt the next Uzbek Muskie Fellow when he or she comes next year? Will you love them like you have loved us?” Oh, the tears fell. “Love your neighbor as you love yourself,” Jesus said… and, ”YES, WE WILL ADOPT THE NEXT UZBEK STUDENT!” we said.

The adventure will continue next September. We are excited and nervous, all over again.

::Kathy Padgett

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