121 World News



Editor's Note: Our friend, Ramesh Landge, recently sent out the following update on the work of Cooperative Outreach of India (COI). Several people from 121 have been involved in ministering side-by-side with COI. For more information about the organization, visit www.coindia.org.

Training of the Trainers

COI has been diligently doing Training of Trainers. In the second quarter of 2007, a total of sixty workers/pastors were trained in the city of Jammu to reach the neighbors. This was a very special training that equipped these pastors in reaching neighbors in the Kashmir region. Dr. Chughtai was one of the resource team members. There have been several requests from various parts of North India and we hope to undertake the same approach there.

The fourth group of 20 students has gone on field exposure and they have been busy completing the practical assignments of starting 40 new home fellowships in the given time frame.

Training on P.E.A.C.E.

In Jammu and Kashmir over 446 church workers, pastors and lay leaders were trained in the PEACE plan introduced by Saddleback Church. This has encouraged and motivated the local church to send workers in the unengaged areas of Jammu and Kashmir. These meetings were also eye openers for many of the local pastors. Mr. Donnie and Mark inspired them through their teachings. The COI team facilitated these meetings. COI is planning follow up with the pastors and church workers for effective outreaches and implementation of the PEACE plan in the entire J&K state and later in all of north India.

Starting New Churches

We want to praise God that a new church has been started in Samaipur Area of North Delhi. Our team has been working in order to cater to the new believers and help them spiritually. Mr. Jim Miller shared from the word of God last month.

The church in Uttaranchal reported extraordinary growth in various areas. This is one area where signs and wonders are being reported by all and have been a source of encouragement for the church members. There are over 120 people who are getting ready to obey the commands of Lord Jesus Christ to get baptized. We praise God for all that He has been doing for His Glory.

Education for Unschooled Children

One of the top agenda items of COI ministry has been to help the ones who never had an opportunity to attend school. There are 12 small school centers operating in various places, educating several hundred unschooled children, giving them a hope for the future and leading them to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. This has been an effective tool to engage the community in a meaningful way.

VBS 2007

They braved the heat and came early every morning at 7:30 in buses to attend VBS. Special moments were abundant for the 300 children from various slums of North Delhi who attended VBS from June 11th to 13th. Due to extreme heat conditions, the program was cut short to three days. Little hearts were blessed by the Lord as about 220 children accepted Jesus Christ as their God and Savior, deciding to follow Him. We praise God for His presence.

Women's Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation

Self help groups for women have been initiated in various locations. This creates a big challenge as well as opportunity for us to be involved in the work of the Lord. This is one program that provides a meaningful involvement in the community. There are three federations in three locations of north Delhi that are catering to the needs of the people here. This is a successful tool in addressing the poverty in the rural and slum areas.

Kashmir and Ladakh

Our work in Kashmir has suffered as our team member pastor Paul was asked by fundamentalist and muslim priests to vacate his present place and move out. We had to stop the school project that was just launched. We are praying that the Lord will take care of all the things in this matter. Bro. Bashir has been living and doing his work in Baramula. There is a small House Fellowship that is going on with the chosen believers. One of our teacher helpers who has suffered in the hands of her abductors has asked for assistance. COI is planning to provide her some help to start her own work that will bring many young women to know more about Christ through this activity.

::Ramesh Landge

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