121 World News



Ahhhhhh, Labor Day weekend – sleeping in, backyard BBQ, maybe a little water skiing… OR, maybe depart at 4:00AM Saturday on a eight-hour car ride to Acuña, Mexico, then spend the weekend walking more miles than you’ve walked all year. Why would anyone choose the second option??? Just ask any of the dozens of 121’ers who have made the weekend journey to Acuña and you will soon be convinced that it is well-worth giving up the brisket and lake time. Twice a year, groups from 121 head south of the border to take the love and Word of Christ to the people there who are in desperate need of Good News.

As a church, we have committed to sharing the Message with the people of Acuña, one neighborhood at a time. While there, team members walk the neighborhood, praying and handing out Gospels of John and invitations to a public screening of the Jesus Film. On past trips, God’s glory has been seen through salvations, fellowship, and even de-wormer medicine. Yes, de-wormer medicine (for that story, read the April Trip Report). Jumping rope, sharing ice cream, and playing paparazzi are just a few of the activities that Texans have found themselves doing with curious local children and adults. It doesn’t take a lot of specialized skill to show you care, and those acts of care can be translated into open doors for sharing your faith.

Every spring and fall, more people discover the wonder of being part of the Acuña outreach. The next trip is planned for September 2 – 4. Believers of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to come along and experience the excitement of cross-cultural ministry with our neighbors to the south. The total cost of the trip is around $100. If you are interested in joining the team or getting more information, please email Debbie Simon at mexico@121cc.com. ¡Dios le bendiga!

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