121 World News



The seed of missions work had already taken root in the lives of Bryan and Leslie before they met in college. Each one found themselves with a love for international travel, foreign cultures, and teaching English overseas.

Eventually, their dating would lead to marriage, and marriage would lead to seminary for Bryan and jobs for both of them in the DFW Metroplex. During this time, the importance of continuing to nurture their mutual concern for other nations and foreign people had not withered.

Their involvement at 121 Community Church found them doing the same thing, planting more seeds with internationals by serving on the missions leadership team and teaching English. They concentrated on building relationships and sharing the gospel where possible.

After traveling overseas again on a mission trip to South Asia, it became clear to both of them … God had another orchard for them to tend to.

Starting in January 2007, the couple will travel to South Asia to live, share the gospel, and help build up a body of believers for three years. Though excited to fulfill a dream they both have held for awhile, the couple knows they have some thorns ahead of them in leaving the comforts of the American lifestyle for an area of the world marked by spiritual and financial poverty.

Already having sold the majority of their belongings, a couple of months saying goodbye to family and friends will race by before leaving for missions training with their sending organization in December. Once in South Asia, the trial of learning a new language within a foreign setting will try to twist their tongues twice on Tuesdays. The difficulties they will face in sharing Christ and fostering relationships over a three year time span will certainly sap their strength at times.

“We can’t lie and say that walking away from what we have here is easy by any means,” says Leslie.

Their faith in God, however, allows them to see the forest through the trees.

“But at the same time, it’s such a privilege to get to go on this adventure with God. We believe we are all called to fulfill the great commission from Matthew 28:19-20. It’s the same as all of us at 121 [Community Church], leading people to live for Jesus Christ. This is just taking that to the other side of the world. So as for a special call, we all as believers have that special call!”

But why South Asia?

“Over the last four years we’ve lived in areas where we were surrounded by and were ministering to South Asians. We had the opportunity to be a part of the foundation of the partnership 121 has in that area and last year traveled on a 121 [Community Church] trip. While there, we felt confirmation that we should serve in that area. So, here we go!”

Their attitude and willingness to go speaks to the savory fruit God has produced in their lives. They encourage others to share in a passion for the nations, here in the states and abroad. Bryan and Leslie encourage those who are interested in serving in Missions to challenge their preconceived notions.

“Mission work is now dynamic, different for every location and culture. All kinds of people do it. You enter a place and work under and behind the locals, discipling and helping them begin churches that rapidly reproduce and reflect their culture. Your goal is to work yourself out of a job, where they can continue the work and you can move to another area and do the same thing. You don’t plant yourself in one place where people are dependent on you for their church.”

But what if you don’t feel qualified?

“Nothing qualifies you to go to South Asia and share Christ except a personal relationship with him,” Bryan says.
He and Leslie offer some practical ways to stay involved with the work in South Asia.

“Pray, keep up with the 121 partnership [Steven and Stacey Russell who are also serving in South Asia], and watch for needs to arise and try to meet them within your lifegroups and families,” Bryan says.

They appreciate how others have helped already.

“People’s curiosity about what’s going on in our lives has been so great and so crucial of an encouragement as we focus on the excitement and privilege of joining God’s work instead of the transition from the known to the unknown.”

With the opportunity to plant new seeds an ocean away, this couple has demonstrated that their willingness to go, their love for those who don’t know Christ, and their faith and trust in God and His plans can strangle the weeds that look to tether them to an ordinary life of comfort. In return, they get to tend the fields where God looks to harvest new souls for His Kingdom.

What an amazing crop that will yield.

::Chris Howard

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