121 World News



I'd like to introduce you to my family. Penny and I have been married for 25 years and have been blessed with 5 children: Bret (19)Russia, Bethany (17), Braden (15), Brock (10), and Brooklyn (8). We've been attending 121 Community Church since April of this year.

Last November, we heard about a mission trip to orphanages in Russia, including two special needs orphanages. Bethany worked with a local special needs ministry and we knew she would especially love to be a part of this mission trip. In talking to Scott Werntz about the Spoken For trip, we grew excited that not only could Bethany go on the trip, they could also make room for our entire family. The next two months were a whirlwind as we applied for passports, got shots, and found winter clothes for all seven of us.

As parents, we were excited that our family could all go on a mission trip together. Not only would we get to minister together in another country, we had the chance to plant a seed in our children's hearts regarding missions. It was exciting to see what God was going to do.

In Russia, each day the team had the blessing of going to a different orphanage and putting on a Christmas party. There were simple games, and candy as prizes. Often, the children in the orphanage had prepared a program with songs and creative Russiacostumes and we had the joy of watching them perform. It was during these times that one of the team members would share a testimony and young people from the area churches or from Fireworks would lead in song. Brock, who was 9 at the time, read the Christmas story at each of the orphanages, while one of the Russian Christians translated. What a thrill to see even our youngest children getting to be a witness to God's love!! Brock and Brooklyn got to see children full of joy and thankfulness, even in a place most of us can't really imagine being in.

After the program was over at one of the orphanages, a young lady who was just visiting the orphanage that day sought out Bethany and began asking questions about what she had heard. Bethany was able to lead her to the Lord that day. God had arranged a divine appointment!

RussiaSeeing the conditions the orphans lived in, there were many times we wished we could do more. The need was so great and our impact seemed so small. The group was reminded during one of the morning devotion times that God was in control and was orchestrating the lives of the orphans. If they were not in the orphanage, we would not be able to share the Gospel with them. It was God's sovereign will that placed them, and us, there at that moment.

So many times, we think of Americans as the great missionaries to the world. One of the things Bret came to appreciate was being able to serve alongside Christians on the other side of the world that are sold out for God and serving Him regardless of the hardships they face in everyday life.

This 10-day trip left us with so many wonderful memories. As we got to see God work in the lives of the orphans, we built friendships with Christians from here and from Russia, saw Him challenge us to get outside our comfort zone, and caught a vision for ministering in ways that make an impact both now and for eternity. Through this trip, He led our family to 121 and established relationships that we cherish. Braden told me the other day how the trip helped him to see more clearly how we can live out the Bible's instruction to care for widows and orphans in practical ways.

Hopefully, there will be more mission trips in our future and we would encourage others to look for opportunities to take a family mission trip. You never know what will grow from a seed planted in your child's heart.

Whether it's here at home or in another country, He wants to use each of us to accomplish His purposes. And the great thing is that in our obedience, we also receive a blessing!!

::Alan, Penny, Bret, Bethany, Braden, Brock, and Brooklyn Burkett

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