121 World News

ORC“Most gracious Lord God,
from whom proceedeth every good and perfect gift,
I offer to Thy Divine Majesty my unfeigned praise
and thanksgiving for all Thy mercies toward me.”

                                - George Washington

“The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve”
                                - Jesus of Nazareth

As we approach that time when we reflect upon the many blessings God has given us and our families over the past year, our hearts turn outward asking how we may serve others by sharing these blessings.  Beginning November 6, our Church family has a wonderful opportunity to serve and give to others in a very loving and tangible way.

ORCOperation Relief Center (ORC) is an organization located on Grand and Harwood in near-south Dallas, serving the homeless and low-income men, women, children, veterans, seniors and families.  ORC provides food, clothing, apartments and assistance to those who are far less fortunate that ourselves.

Starting November 6, you will find baskets in the Church lobby that you can take home and fill with food and other items, along with a donation for a turkey and pie that will be taken to ORC and given to those who would not otherwise enjoy a Thanksgiving meal.  After filling the basket, you just need to return it to the church lobby. We are partnering with at least one other church through Spoken For, and hope to deliver a total of 500 Thanksgiving meals to these men, women, and children. 

While providing the Thanksgiving meal to these families is a great way to serve and give to others, there is an even greater opportunity to follow our Lord’s example.

ORCOn November 22, many from our church will travel to ORC and help deliver the food and provide other service to these men, women and children.  While at ORC, you will be given the privilege of helping a family select a basket, walking the basket with the family to either their car or home, and praying with the family.  Other ways to serve at ORC include light maintenance work and beautification of the properties ORC provides to these families. You can sign up to help with the delivery and other opportunities by visiting the Spoken For website.

121 has served ORC in this way for six years.  My wife, Kathy, and I have had the privilege of being involved with ORC for over two years.  The time we have spent at ORC has shown us in a very real way how living out the words of Jesus transforms our hearts in a way that cannot be explained.

My prayer is that you prayerfully consider joining 121 in demonstrating the words and actions of our Lord to others.  This is a great opportunity for your entire family to serve.  By serving others in this way, your family’s Thanksgiving will be enriched more that you can know, and you and your family will glorify Jesus by your actions.

::Bobby Padgett

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