121 World News
GIVING        HERE...

Scores of 121'ers have jumped on board this Christmas with two particular giving opportunities - one here in the Metroplex and one thousands of miles away in Russia...


This Christmas LifeGroups and families from 121 have adopted 11 refugee families from RefugeeWorld Relief. These families have come from all over the world but in particular Burma, Iraq, Burundi & Somalia. These 121 LifeGroups and families have been a tremendous blessing as they have provided warm clothing, household items, toys or even invited a refugee family into their home. Many of these families have never experienced Christmas and may not even know who Jesus is. This has been a really neat way to share about the true meaning of Christmas.

Tonight my LifeGroup actually went to deliver the gifts to the refugee family that we adopted. It was so neat to see the youngest boy's eyes light up when he saw his gifts. We even caught him singing “Happy Birthday to me!” He was so happy. This family spoke very little English so we did our best to communicate through hand gestures until we finally got one of the refugees from another family to come over who was able to understand English a lot better. He told us the family was ready to open up their gifts. So we sat there, helping them, watching them as they opened their Christmas presents. We soon found out that the family was Christians, so we were able to pray with them and communicate the love of Christ in a very real way. It was such a joyous experience as I can imagine it has been for each and every one of the life groups or families involved with this ministry this Christmas.

If you or your family are looking for a special way to bless some refugee families during the week between Christmas and New Years, there is a great opportunity. The staff of World Relief typically provides transportation to and from work for several refugees. However, the staff will not be working from December 25th until the 30th. If you are able to provide work rides for these special people, please contact Lisa Olsen at 817-881-2831.

::Lisa Olsen


How will I get the medicine I need? Where do I get money for school books? How do I make soup? Who do I call if someone is harassing me?

These are just some of the questions that thousands of orphans in Russia are faced with each year when they transition out of their orphanages between the ages of 15 and 17. The Fireworks program provides answers to some of the endless questions facing the unprepared youth. An outreach of Spoken For, Fireworks offers young people in Penza, Russia an alternative to struggling alone through independent living. The program provides housing and meets their many spiritual, physical, educational, and medical needs, as well as providing job placement assistance.

By building long-lasting relationships with the young people, adult mentors are able to give valuable guidance on life issues that can be carried into adulthood. Freedom LivingMost of the orphanage graduates have never had an adult consistently invest time, energy, and care into them. One of the goals of Fireworks is to ensure that each participant in the program knows that there are people who will always care about them. Having the basic needs of belonging and acceptance met contributes greatly to becoming a successful adult.

Now there is an opportunity to invest in the lives of the young people of Fireworks by helping provide for their daily needs. Freedom Living is a recently launched project that profiles the lives of several individuals in the program as well as highlighting their practical needs. You can “purchase” items such as sheets, school supplies, dressers, tools, and more to be given to the young adults. To view the Freedom Living opportunities online, visit www.spokenfor.org/fwcatalog. You can also pick up a print version at the 121 Information Desk. The opportunities to learn more about the participants and to give are available year-round.

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